About FIJI
The History of Phi Gamma Delta
Our six Founders came together to form the first chapter at Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on May 1, 1848. Since then, the fraternity has grown to become a nationally-recognized fraternity boasting over 140 undergraduate chapters and colonies with 40 graduate chapters. As of writing, there have been over 201,000 brothers initiated with over 9,500 active undergraduate brothers and 131,000 living alumni.​
The Tau Chi Chapter
Each day, our brothers set out to better themselves not only in the classroom, but as young men beginning their professional careers. We find the value in a well-rounded lifestyle including extra-curriculars, studies, on campus jobs, and social events.
The Tau Chi Chapter places a high value on academics, evidenced by the chapter's resources extended to members including a tutoring reimbursement program. Our brothers represent almost every undergraduate college at TCU.
Our chapter is very active socially as well. We have placed an emphasis on a "Work Hard, Play Hard" motto as we believe in setting time aside to enjoy fellowship amongst brothers and close friends as essential to the life of an undergraduate member. In our free time, we enjoy having brotherhood events on the weekend which consists of spending quality time with one another while watching sports, holding basketball/softball tournaments, playing paintball, and touring professional athletic facilities.
FIJI Nickname
The nickname "Fiji" came from the Phi Gams at New York University, when they were trying to decide the name for a fraternity-wide magazine and "Fee Gee" was suggested (a play on the Greek letters Phi and Gamma). In 1894, Fiji was adopted as the fraternity-wide nickname for Phi Gamma Delta.
Founded at TCU starting in 1980, the Tau Chi chapter is committed to building courageous leaders through excellent academics, campus involvement, philanthropy and brotherhood. Over the decades, our chapter has grown to become one of the largest chapters at TCU as well as in the International Fraternity.
Our Mission.
Phi Gamma Delta unites men in enduring friendships, stimulates the pursuit of knowledge, and builds courageous leaders who serve the world with the best that is in them.
Our Vision.
To be an active, vital force of men who courageously live our values and make a positive impact on college and community.
Our Values.
Campus Involvement
The chapter places a special emphasis on ensuring that our members are involved across campus in club, activities, and programs that not only assist brothers in developing themselves professionally for life after graduation but also enrich our university and community.
As of Spring 2023, FIJI brothers are involved in 57 different clubs, activities, and programs across campus. You can find our brothers in everything from the Student Government Association to Club Hockey, Tennis, Golf, Lacrosse, and Volleyball to prestigious honors societies and professional organizations
Most crucially, the chapter is committed to assisting fellow brothers in finding involvement on campus and interests them. Older members assist new members in applying to selective programs and identifying interest clubs. As a result, the Tau Chi chapter is represented in the top echelon of leadership and scholarship on campus boasting members in competitive programs such as Neeley Fellows, the BNSF Neeley Leadership Program, the Transactions and Investment Professionals (TIP) Board, AddRan Ambassadors, the Chancellor's Leadership Program, and more.
Tau Chi brothers also serve as leaders in our community. The chapter is also honored to have members serve as the current President of the Interfraternity Council and the Student Body President.
By the numbers...
Active Members
(Fall 2023)
Clubs, activities, and programs
(Spring 2023)
Chapter Avg. Cumulative GPA
(Spring 2023)
Chapter intramural sports teams
(Fall 2022/Spring 2023)
Members with a 4.0 GPA
(Fall 2023)
Club/select athletic teams with FIJI players
(Fall 2022/Spring 2023)
We believe that our chapter makes our men better.